  • water treatment

  • electrolysers

  • fuel cell systems and ptx-technologies

plant engineering for the future

Hähn provides you with state-of-the-art system technology - both for your individual orders and in the already developed products hähn hydrogen and hähn water treatment.

Choose from highly efficient water treatment systems for water management tailored to your needs or browse through technologies that process high-purity water further - into the energy source of the future: hydrogen. 

Experienced engineers also offer you individual engineering services at the highest level - confirmed many times over by long-standing customers. 

iph Hähn GmbH: Plant construction and engineering at the highest level

It is excellent specialist knowledge and in-depth engineering expertise that have already given Hähn and its customers a competitive edge in recent years. Hähn's technologies and its individual engineering are in demand internationally from renowned customers.

With smart water treatment systems, Hähn continuously achieves success in water management for its customers. Needs-based water treatment, possibly with water recycling or resource recovery, is an economic and ecological benefit for your company.

Founded in 2016, Hähn is also probably the most family-run company in the hydrogen game. In addition to the day-to-day project business, the focus has always been on the development of smart hydrogen technologies. Thanks to the expertise it has acquired in this way, Hähn has secured itself a place at the forefront among the big players in the hydrogen market.

the hähn company

The company was founded in 2016 and is a growing business ever since. The registered office is located in the beautiful Rhineland in the north of the German state Rhineland-Palatinate. 

We realized small- and large-scale projects both nationally and internationally in the company's two main divisions: industrial water treatment and hydrogen technologies. Our reliability and expertise is confirmed by standing customers.

Rising costs, the scarcity of raw materials and environmental topics demand smart answers and innovative technologies for a strong economy and a future worth living. We meet these increasing requirements with our expertise and innovative spirit.

Economic viability and technical reliability are the basis of our products.


Our conviction that our solutions make a positive contribution to each individual customer, our economy, our climate and our society drive us in a special way.  

     Stephan Hähn, Technical Managing Director

our philosophy

Expertise leads to economic and ecological progress. We help you to implement resource and climate protection economically. Our technologies are tried and tested and we have made it our mission to work towards their widespread expansion.

Our employees are particularly driven by the fact that CO2 emissions are reduced and resources are conserved with every system we deliver - making our planet a little more liveable for every generation to come. 

Progress is often slow due to bureaucratic and political hurdles. We are happy to inform you about the possibilities that already exist. At the end of the day, it is the famous German (family) companies that face up to progress despite difficult conditions - and are rewarded with both economic and ecological success.

latest news


Selection of references

On the left you will get an insight for which customers we have worked in the past.

Do you also stand for progress? Contact us!

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Images on this page from top left to bottom right: nitimongcolchai -; iph Hähn GmbH; scharfsinn86 -; Aastels -; iph Hähn GmbH; Alex from the Rock -; iph Hähn GmbH; bierwirm -; studio FI -; ArTo -

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